No-Cavity Club Members

Name - # of Years in Club
Be Our First Member!!! - Be a member for Life!
Brush and floss your teeth at least twice per day. Especially before bed!
Take your time brushing and flossing. Brush for at least two minutes! It's more important to do a good job than to be fast!
Drink water instead of sugary beverages
Reduce the amount of junk food and treats you eat. Instead, have some yummy vegetables and fruit!
If you have questions on how to brush your teeth properly, be sure to ask one of the Guardian Dental Care team members. They would be more than happy to teach you!
You are under the age of 13
You had a cavity-free check-up or became cavity-free by getting your cavity fixed and being able to describe what you're going to do to take great care of your teeth and prevent cavities
You have completely and legibly filled out the entry card and dropped it in the draw box in the reception area
Prize draws will be made on the last work day of March, June, September and December
Entries from both Guardian Dental Care locations will be combined for the prize draw
The winner will be contacted using the contact information on the entry form.